Life, emotions, courage in a travel blog: MyTraveLife
Every journey is the best life-experience. Life itself is a journey: we’ll meet different people and visit unknown places which can change us. We travel to discover, learn, feel.
Each adventure leaves us a mark.
This project was born from our passion of travelling and everything about it: from preparation to return, from the itinerary to the view.
You will be our travel companion, living every step while we share here stories, tales, experiences and emotions. Feel free to suggest, comment and partecipate wherever you are.
Travelling forces you to face yourself; take this risk.
About us
We are travelers. We like to find out about eyes, smiles, places and stories. We have great respect for nature.
Planning our trips is for us as good as experiencing and writing about them. You can learn something new about us and about yourself too if you read our stories and visit our social networks: we will be travel friends!
You can contribute to this travel blog with comments or sharing the posts you like. If you prefer, you can contact us with a private message: click on “contact us” on the side of the page to know how!
When we was thinking about the name of the project, we focused about our life. Travel is an important part of it and we thought that all of these experiences we made can be shared with everyone.
Travel and Life are the words have the letter “L” in common (TRAVELIFE) because they can’t be apart!
The graphic idea combines the stone colour and the snow (you can notice two snowflakes). This was made up because we think that every journey makes you richer and can change something of you, like the snow on a stone. We also like the cold, winter and the Nordic style too!
The Logo was realized by Andrea, a graphic designer and leader of “Roots in the world”, a project about social and conscious tourism. We would like to thank him for his voluntary help!